Thursday, April 25, 2013

Field Day 2013

It was so much fun. 
Indoor and outdoor activities. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Paperless Day October 29, 2012

Today was paperless day at JBE. Our class created power points about Native Americans and created dances to learn the water cycle. School is not all about paper and pencil, sometimes you have to be creative.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Are they Oreos or Phases of the Moon?

A great culminating project for phases of the moon is to use Oreos to create the phases. The students spent all 9 weeks learning how the moon orbited, about the planets, and Earth. Now they get to reap the rewards by creating a model of the phases of the moon using Oreos, and then get to enjoy them.

Welcome to 2012-2013

This message comes a little late, but I want to say welcome to the new school year. I am excited about the new curriculum that we are going to embark upon this year. The students will be required to think, problem solve, and persevere in their academic endeavors. I look forward to working with all my parents and students this school year.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

CRCT Reminders

Students need 2 number 2 pencils each day that have erasers. Students MAY NOT read a book when they have finished the test; therefore, rushing through it will not help the students at all. I am asking parents to send in snacks for the students each day. When the test is over or in the middle we may snack to refill our tanks. Healthy snacks only please. If there are parents that are willing to send in class snacks let me know. We have 17 students.

Get plenty of rest before the CRCT.

Get to school on time. If you are late and the test has started, you will not be allowed to come to the classroom.

Do not stress it. You know your stuff.

Remember your pencils and snacks.

Read the reading passage and go back to find the answers to the questions.

Eat a good breakfast at home or eat one here at school.

Eliminate the answers you know are wrong and then pick the best answer.

Work out your math problems. Do not try to do mental math you may make a mistake.

Remember these tips and you will do well.