Friday, November 20, 2009


Today was Warm up to a Good Book Day. We sat together in groups and read with each other. Book week has been so much fun. Most of the class has met their AR goals for this nine weeks already because of Book Week.

Turkey Slideshow

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tacky Day

Book Week has been so much fun for teachers and students.
It's not tacky to be a good reader day went over very well. Even some of the teachers got into the spirit. If we keep practicing our reading we will become wonderful book worms.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Slide Show

Welcome to my blog. My class and I will use this to show our work and keep everyone up to date on what we are doing. This week is very exciting with many events and happenings. I will try to get pictures posted as soon as possible.