Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween Safety

Officer Williams and McGruff taught our students about Halloween Safety. Here are some tips:
1. Throw away any candy that is not wrapped and sealed by a company. McGruff says unsealed candy could have dangers inside.
2. Call the police if you find anything dangerous or sticking out of your candy.
3. Always have your parents check your candy before you eat it.
4. Go trick or treating with an adult. Never go by yourself.
5. Only trick or treat in neighborhoods that you know or at local businesses.
6. Make sure you wear a costume that drivers can see. Use a flash light if you need one and always make sure you can see out of any mask that you may wear.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Welcome Back

Welcome back to a new school year. I am excited about the 2010/2011 school year, my ninth year as a teacher, and am looking forward to the many activities we have planned. I am blessed to have a small class this year, so we should have many wonderful, fun, learning activities to complete. Keep checking the blog for new updates and pictures.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Garden Update

The students are very excited to see that our pepper plants are producing little pepper. Look at the photos and see.

End of the Year

Dear Parents and Students, It has been an honor to be your teacher this year. I would like to thank all the parents for their support and contributions this year. I would like to thank all the students for being the best that they could be and learning as much as you could. Keep practicing over the summer and you will do great in second grade. Love, Ms. Creech P.S. Parents, if you have not watched the video yet please click the play button.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Relay for Life

In an effort to raise money for Relay for Life we collected money in buckets. The 3 staff members that raised the most money won the prize of receiving a pie in the face by a student at the CRCT Prep Rally. Well as it turns out I raised the MOST money with $58.00. I guess my students love me this year. LOL


Here are a few pointers for making the CRCT a success.
1. Be on Time
2. Eat a good breakfast
3. Get plenty of rest the night before
4. Bring a light sweater or jacket in case you get cool during the test
5. Do not stress. If you do not know an answer, take an educated guess and move on.
6. are prepared already. JUST DO YOUR BEST that is all anyone can ask
from you.

I am proud of my class and the accomplishments we have had this year. Thank you for always doing your best. Good Luck. The CRCT is April 19-21st.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Read Across Liberty

On Thursday, April 1, our class had a guest reader from VIP. She came in and read a book about being Green and the main character was Sponge Bob Square Pants. Talk about really getting the students' attention and teaching a lesson all at once.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Math Drill

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Language Pointers

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Friday, March 26, 2010

Shades Day

Today was wear shades/sunglasses day at JBE. Show your spirit and enjoy Spring time by dressing down and wearing shades. We were COOL today.


As part of Revitalization Day a garden area was made for each grade level. First grade sectioned off their area for each of the five teachers and each class will plant what they would like to. Our class planted Bonnie Peppers. They are a hybrid bell pepper. We hope to be able to take some home by the end of the school year.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

We met our AR goals.

Congratulations to my students that met their AR goals for this Third Nine Weeks.
They will be enjoying a candy buffet on Monday in the media center.
Jordan, Lauryn, Amberley, Heaven, Emmanuel, Pate, Daniel, Kelsey, Kaitlen

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Media Festival Project

Our class participated in the Media Festival this year. They had a wonderful time making their class project. Click play below to view the project. Job well done students.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Read Across America

It's party time!!! Our class won the pizza party for Read Across America Week. Out of all the First grade classes we had the highest AR points this week with a class average of 85% or better. Great job class. I am so proud of youand the accomplishments you all are making in reading.

Friday, February 19, 2010



M1M1. Students will compare and/or order the length, height, weight, or capacity of two or more objects by using direct comparison or a nonstandard unit.
a. Directly compare and/or order length, height, weight, and capacity of concrete objects.
b. Estimate and measure using a non-standard unit that is smaller than the object to be measured.

Step 1: Trace
Step 2: Cut
Step 3: Measure
Step 4: Compare

See slide show above!!!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Math Monsters

Today the students did their culminating activity for Unit 3 in Math. They made math monsters out of fabric, paper scraps, buttons, whatever they could find and use. The monsters had to include a hexagon, triangle, pentagon, rectangle, cylinder, rectangular prism, cone, tail, 4 claws, stripes or a pattern, a fraction, and be as tall as a chair leg. This is what we came up with.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

AR Goals

Congratulations to my students who made their AR goals for the second nine weeks. They received cake and a goody bag on Friday and their name was put into a bag to receive a Wal-Mart gift card. A round of applause and GREAT JOB goes to:
Amberley, Heaven, Kaitlen, Amerykah, Lazarus, Emmanuel, and Daniel

Friday, January 8, 2010

Welcome to the Second Semester

I would like to thank all my parents for their support through out the first semester of the school year. Now we are on to the second semester and will be starting many new and exciting things. Money is one of the biggest things that we will be studying and historically is the hardest concept for the students to grasp. This is why I would like to ask you to go ahead and start working with your children on counting change. The bills are usually easier to count than the change and this is because the students have a difficult time counting combinations of coins and transitioning from one value to another. If you start now the students will be way ahead when we start in February. Thank you again for all your support and I look forward to seeing you on conference afternoon.