Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Math Monsters

Today the students did their culminating activity for Unit 3 in Math. They made math monsters out of fabric, paper scraps, buttons, whatever they could find and use. The monsters had to include a hexagon, triangle, pentagon, rectangle, cylinder, rectangular prism, cone, tail, 4 claws, stripes or a pattern, a fraction, and be as tall as a chair leg. This is what we came up with.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

AR Goals

Congratulations to my students who made their AR goals for the second nine weeks. They received cake and a goody bag on Friday and their name was put into a bag to receive a Wal-Mart gift card. A round of applause and GREAT JOB goes to:
Amberley, Heaven, Kaitlen, Amerykah, Lazarus, Emmanuel, and Daniel

Friday, January 8, 2010

Welcome to the Second Semester

I would like to thank all my parents for their support through out the first semester of the school year. Now we are on to the second semester and will be starting many new and exciting things. Money is one of the biggest things that we will be studying and historically is the hardest concept for the students to grasp. This is why I would like to ask you to go ahead and start working with your children on counting change. The bills are usually easier to count than the change and this is because the students have a difficult time counting combinations of coins and transitioning from one value to another. If you start now the students will be way ahead when we start in February. Thank you again for all your support and I look forward to seeing you on conference afternoon.