Friday, April 16, 2010

Relay for Life

In an effort to raise money for Relay for Life we collected money in buckets. The 3 staff members that raised the most money won the prize of receiving a pie in the face by a student at the CRCT Prep Rally. Well as it turns out I raised the MOST money with $58.00. I guess my students love me this year. LOL


Here are a few pointers for making the CRCT a success.
1. Be on Time
2. Eat a good breakfast
3. Get plenty of rest the night before
4. Bring a light sweater or jacket in case you get cool during the test
5. Do not stress. If you do not know an answer, take an educated guess and move on.
6. are prepared already. JUST DO YOUR BEST that is all anyone can ask
from you.

I am proud of my class and the accomplishments we have had this year. Thank you for always doing your best. Good Luck. The CRCT is April 19-21st.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Read Across Liberty

On Thursday, April 1, our class had a guest reader from VIP. She came in and read a book about being Green and the main character was Sponge Bob Square Pants. Talk about really getting the students' attention and teaching a lesson all at once.