Friday, September 9, 2011

Fourth Grade is Great.

Now that I am a fourth grade teacher, I feel like there are many new options and opportunities opening up for me to teach. Recently we have started a science project. Remember that I have given the students rubrics to follow and that the assignment is due on September 19. We will be exploring American Indians soon and doing a report on one tribe. Mathematics is a new adventure and we will have a novel study in the future. I am very excited about fourth grade.

Friday, April 29, 2011

End of the Year

Dear Parents,
It is very important that we stress to the students that they still have 17 days left of school. I will still be taking grades and the students still have much work to complete. Please stress that good behavior is important if the students want to participate in the end of year activities. If student behavior does not warrant a party; we will not have one. I have enjoyed being your child’s teacher and look forward to finishing out the school year with lots of fun.
Ms. Creech